Accessible tooltips make keyboard shortcuts easy to discover when users need them, through natural use of web applications.
Proper document markup. Separating structure from presentation and behavior. The lowercase semantic web. Building accessible, cross-platform, cross-browser pages. Using web standards correctly. HTML evolves into a language built for applications, not just documents. New semantics. Responsive images and other conundrums. Canvas and accessibility. Audio, video, and fallbacks. The politics of HTML: WHAT WG and the W3C.
Colour and contrast coding a form prototype
I used wireframes and flows to start coding a prototype form wizard. My artifacts aided our handover process. I levelled up my skills and mastery of tools.
Creating form navigation for a web prototype
How to create navigation between steps of a prototype registration form using semantic HTML for CSS selectors and patterns for backlinks and flow branching.
How to improve form validation messages
Our registration form wizard used a mix of inaccessible default browser error messages and ambiguous custom form validation messages in red text.